Sunday, March 1, 2009


Yeah, I'm the type of guy who has to write something like this at the beginning of everything new. Always on the first page of every new journal, some times I even feel compelled to get some cheese on the first page of my note books for classes that I take.

This blog is for the both of us. I need an outlet to just organize and document my thoughts, discoveries and successes on my journey to becoming and practicing as a health care provider. I participate in enough other venues that for the most part I will probably be able to keep my content focused on that area. On the other hand, as that "area" continues to take over more of the bandwidth in my life more of everything that I do connects back to my journey in some way - i.e. don't be surprised by some really tangential posts.

This blog is for you too. I hope that my conglomeration of personal epiphanies and the works of others that I highlight might bring some form of edification and encouragement to your own journey. I also hope that the topics and stories on this blog might stimulate mutually beneficial and edifying dialogue.

Please take a look at my disclaimer

And with that. 'nough said.

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