The application for this is very similar to the secondary application to their medical program. Two birds with one stone, right?
I have to introspect now. I have to figure the top five qualities that I "feel" I bring to VCOM that would enhance the overall climate of their college.
This is so obvious. I'm Smart, Funny, Talented, Good looking and I have a great wife.
Yet I have been working on this HALF PAGE "essay" for longer than I spent on my AACOMAS personal statement.
I trick myself into thinking that I can not be as direct (trite and nondescript) as I just was above and that I have to pick qualities that are unusual or something. I can't decide HOW to write it. Should I write it as a list of categorically exclusive qualities each with their own backing example? Or as an essay where one or two stories illuminate several qualities. The problem with the categories is that as I get into picking apart different qualities and finding examples for each of them I find that they are really all interconnected. Then it seems like I am trying to dissect sub-atomic particles and if I go through with writing it down I'm going to cause a nuclear chain reaction and the investigators will later not be able to determine if the explosion originated from my heart or my head. So in an act of self-preservation (or procrastination) I start leaning toward Plan B and I realize that I still have not chosen which five qualities that I feel are all that enhancing and different and more interesting than the other applicant's five qualities.
I have tried listing lots of qualities and then trying to sort them into quality categories but that pretty much comes down to faith, hope and love. And as great as they seem, that's only three, not five. And they do not really have a catchy ring like: Organization, determination, stamina, creativity, flexibility, achievement oriented, initiative, responsibility, dependability, good humor, team work, confidence, inspiration(al). Decisive? BLAH.
So, what should be obvious by now is that I'm writing about this in order to procrastinate actually focusing on the essay. But you know those stupid 3D images that are supposed to pop out at you if you focus on them just right. They never work for me, and I feel like this essay is like a 3D poster designed to frustrate me. So I'm trying to relax my focus and look beyond the problem. Because that is what they tell you to do, not to focus directly on the sail boat.
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