This Sunday marks the beginning of my second week in joining my wife in her healing diet. Paleo Autoimmune Protocol. I can not really express how lame of me it was to leave her stranded in this diet up until now while I continued gorging on bread and cookies and all kinds of other foods she could not have. But now that I am in it, I can not say I am disappointed about melting away 3lbs, not being hungry all day and not getting that afternoon lul. Oh did I mention I don't drink coffee anymore? If it wasn't for my buddy Mike introducing me to my first crossfit workout this weekend, I might have said I was starting to feel like superman.
14 servings (ie breakst for two for a week)
2lbs ground pork (this is plain) Smithfield has it at Harris Teeter in my area
1lb ground turkey
3/4tsp sea/kosher salt
Fresh ground pepper (Lots, as you like it)
Fresh garlic
1 apple finely diced
As shown, I cook them on cast iron on the stove top.
1 comment:
in retrospect - add molasses to what I just said
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