Wednesday, September 15, 2010

You know that feeling

when you do something for the last time? And it's something that takes a lot of hard work and actually really matters a lot. But it's not one of those feel good things like volunteer work or after-school programs. This is one of those things that you cannot wait to never have to do again. One of those things that 1000 years from now will be remembered mythically with its own level of hell. You could sort of compare it acute senoritis, except that a lot of people seem to wish to relive their senior years of high school and/or college - no one wants to relive this. Yet some of us have. Personally I have lived through it three times. And every time I have emerged from the ashes I have had no idea if it was worth it. There is no indication if I have been successful. No one thanks you for going through this, though a few people might be proud of you for sticking it out. I am talking about the MCAT folks (Medical College Admission Test). And last Thursday, September 9, 2010, I took it for the last time. I will find out how well I did on October 12. But no mater what I find out, I will not have to take it again, and that is a really excellent feeling.

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